How Many States Will Consider marijuana this year (2018)?

Voters in 8 states passed cannabis legalization laws following the 2016 presidential election, giving cannabis legalization the required momentum for more states across the country to carry out discussions on the legalization of weed this years . States that may legalize marijuana in the future year: New Mexico Rep. Bill McCamely has suggested the state could use marijuana legalization as a way to resolve New Mexico’s $600 million deficit and, according to a poll conducted by the Albuquerque Journal in October, 61 percent of New Mexico’s voters would support the recreational use of marijuana, increasing the possibility of a new bill being presented to the state during the 2017 legislative season. Kentucky “The time of laughing and snickering about marijuana and marijuana cigarettes is over. We've got serious businessmen who have approached me on this now and say they are taking it to the governor,” Sen. Perry Clark told The Courier-Journal...